CHANEL model AS1804, 2022, the all-new Ultimate Edition, recreates the classic Vintagep Hilton bag.
CHANEL model AS1804, 2022, the all-new Ultimate Edition, recreates the classic Vintagep Hilton bag. It was once listed among the top 50 most valuable bags in the world. The counter named after Miss Hilton's love for her back has long been out of print, and even if you have money, you can't book an exclusive antique shop with a smile. ZP develops leather materials. The original factory in Europe, Haas caviar, cowhide hardware, imported from Italy, has a shortage of 24k thick gold plated steel locks, It is often easy to run out of stock. The feel of the entire bag is perfectly consistent with the genuine product, with a size of 30x14X24cm, No._dpXTJ7LU1e8jx4Fey0byD4Nr0bbzuu9rR8gtLsA-_dl8TJ0h6E6ndreZgalw-wW_QsNegl93CBTYctIA-06-030p880C whatsapp:+86 13066881162 chat online