ns the tote bag to the handbag or jeans, making it easy to carry. 4.5 x 9.5 x 4.0 cm (L x H x W) - D
M81940 Blue Paint Leather! MINI POCHETTE ACCESSORIES Small Handbag This small tote bag is suitable for storing cosmetics or various colors of personal items. It features a gold brass chain that fastens the tote bag to the handbag or jeans, making it easy to carry. 4.5 x 9.5 x 4.0 cm (L x H x W) - Damier patent leather calf leather! Yellow cloth lining - polished brass accessories - zipper closure - polished brass chain, easy to fasten to handbag or jeans ear. No._ZSrTJ5Pbvd8BF1njyLNLbyT7I7sdabVs-dn-TJ1Q5AWKyTShy8WvMnJcBEDw-3UOiXS-UHw-06-010 whatsapp:+86 13066881162 whatsapp:+86 18898355044 contact us
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